
Monday, September 9, 2019

Development Administration Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Development Administration - Coursework Example â€Å"This type of administration or management adapted for the particular needs of developing countries has been referred to interchangeably as development administration or development management†¦Ã¢â‚¬  GSAPS-2008 www.ginandjar.com Some standard processes in development consist of planning, implementation , monitoring of projects. However, the question that one may ask is how well the role of monitoring is done as regards development processes. Phil Bartle expounds on the monitoring aspect in planning and implementation of projects. He emphasized the following: â€Å"A project is a series of activities (investments) that aim at solving particular problems within a given time frame and in a particular location The investments include time, money, human and material resources, Before achieving the objectives, a project goes through several stages: Monitoring should be executed by all individuals and institutions which have an interest (stake holders ) in the project. To effectively implement a project, the people planning and implementing it should plan for all the interrelated stages from the beginning.† As defined by World Bank, an NGO is a non-profit making, voluntary, service-oriented /development oriented organization , either for the for the benefit of members ( a grassroots organization) or of other members of the population (or

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